Owoidoho Elijah

Biography: Am a young poet who has great dreams of becoming one of the greatest poets alive. At age 9 i have written over 50 poems and have written two books Though Poetry doesn't thrive in Nigeria, but i pray a time will come where my talents shall be awarded and celebrated i still remain #debar

Owoidoho Elijah's Profile

Owoidoho Elijah
Monday 14 November 2022

The unusual that has gradually become usual by de bar

I can still remember those days and years

Where a spade was called a spade,

But today evil has been turned to good

How can “bad” be clothed in a holy garment?

Alas! the unusual has become usual.

Where the rich live and the poor the exists,

Where corruption is a game ,

Where the only way to be rich,

Is to kill millions to make millions!

We see white but call it yellow!

We have gradually stained justice

Where democratic dictator ship is noticeable!

Watch out the unusual is now usual

Children are now influencers of their parents,

I really want to go back to those days,

Where the usual was usually usual.




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