Alexander Adewole

Biography: I am a poet of many worths An amorous quest for my heights Of many who care to listen to my thoughts I am a poet of many desires

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Alexander Adewole
Thursday 15 April 2021

When I Am No More

When I am no more friends
Do not grow tears in your eyes for my sake
Lest you see no more.

When I am no more, friends
Do not be bereaved in pains and in mourns
As life seemed like a stage
And we are called to play our parts in this Earth.
The Earth our market.

When I am no more, friends
Do not let the children wail for my departure
But bid my journey well
Friends, I tell you they shed their own tears.

When I am no more friends
Do not let the mothers put on black veils
Nor have their black hairs shaved
Let they have no more veils and hairs.

When I am no more friends
Do not let them sing dirge in the wake keep
Such is a reminder of me
Do not the sexton tolled the knell
To remind those I have loved so dearly
Nor litanies be chanted at my side
But towed me to meet Him.
Read my favourite psalm
As my last prayer
To which I shall hear aloud in the subtle
Bossom of the Lord.

Lest I warn again!
Do not let them adorn my grave with flowers
For it withereds in heavenly bliss

Inscribed this on my grave stone if there is any:
"Good friends for Jesus's sake forbear
To dig dust enclosed here
Blessed be the man that spears these stones
And cursed be he that moves my bones".


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