Olamide Odediran

Biography: I am a poet with the pen name Uniqueeunice,am also a model who likes reading and writing.

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Olamide Odediran
Sunday 13 June 2021



Lay bare like goblet wine

Handled by the holiest saint

To which the twelve sipped

And honoured by the master stroke.

Shining object of honour 

Where truth and life dwells

In the sacred place of worship

Dishing out truth and joy

The beam of light shines neons

 Within the eleventh hour time

Through the bond that follows

The Commission testament

Shining like the truth

In the midst of turmoil 

Sparkling like the way

In the midst of confusion.

Now, the hope lay fallow

Men clutching the innate desire

The way we lost the Chalice

And seek Him in the churches.

But can never be the truth

Nor be the bond of trinity

But a fragments of hope

Concocted by man's insoluble  mind.

The wall built between us

Drives our Paul away forever

And tell us to water Apollo.

But we are one, I suppose.

Gallant Soldiers of Christ

Hold on unto this practice

To edify yourself in him

But we drifted from the teachings

Time and again

The beam went dim

And men groped in the dark

In search of Him again.

Looking for the sparkling way 

And shining truth

Through chalice,

Object of edification.


©Alexander Adewole


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