Sofiat Oladuntoye

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Sofiat Oladuntoye
Friday 15 January 2021


Now the moon goes down 

into the canyon

beyond the hills;

the broods wil be going.

Soon the first cock will crow,

The first clay-pot be laid out,

And the first finger ready to be licked.

Kids and dogs and sheep

Beside the hearth

Wake before all reproach.


Let the cock crow

In your ears

By the playground sands

Under a quarter of the sun.

As the moon had died again,

In the dark canyon

Beyond our loves;

Beyond the high arched origin

Of the short demon tree.


Then it was your mid-night ,

And silent love was in your eyes.

Now the moon has set;

The shining sun is set to shine again--

A Most maidenly quarter sun.

©@ Oladuntoye Sofiat Oluwadamilola


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