Sunday Akinbamido

Biography: Sunday Yemi Akinbamido is an erudite Programmer, a Poet and Preacher of the good news. His philosophy of life is based on the phrase "you can't take it with you", "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." 1 Timothy 6:7 -KJV.

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Sunday Akinbamido
Thursday 9 November 2017

A sick Egret

No cattle to feed on,
as it rest it's flying wings.

A sick Egret,
standing aloof at the tip
of dead bamboo tree

And it stretches it neck a while
searching for a grashoppers.

Ho, it's a cool day in Lagos,
i think of the sick mobile policemen,
That hijacked all the buses at the park,
began the unusual thing this morning.

Will you take Panadol sick Egret?
or Earthworm that will make you warm?

Awaiting for the rising sun,
That will raise a dying Egret.

Hope today will be full of Misery.

Copyright (C) 2009. Akinbamido Yemi.


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