Sarafadeen Adeyemo

Sarafadeen Adeyemo's Profile

Sarafadeen Adeyemo
Thursday 16 April 2020

Paradise on Earth

Paradise on earth...

And the world was busy

Defining concept of superior and inferior, 

Working rigorously to invent more defense system

Which brings endless oppression to developing nations

Strategically hidden under the impression

Of protecting national sovereignty.

Imperialism in making. 

And now

Great enemy crawls into the lands in 19

Ravaging the greens with aggression

Peace takes to its heel on sight of the unknown 

Hunger strikes with ease where structure is missing 

Fear romances tender hearts for the war pushes harder 

Even an innocent infant is indubitably frightful at night. 

Ultimate sacrifices have been paid clockwisely. 

Yet, ballistic missiles...practically irrelevant. 

The best teacher teaches in chapters

With instances only the deeper eyes can see, 

Sixth sense can perceive, 

That existing protocol which has consumed global funds

Is subject to revolutionary. 

Let's rise to confidence in peaceful atmosphere 

Let's channel toward paradise our inventions

Let's make the world worthwhile to live. 

The war certainly finds its end at a kilometre distance

The lesson...a lifetime. 


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