Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Friday 30 October 2020


Coming to school today was pretty pointless

I was expecting a friend to bring me tickets for graduation

But She never came

Now am stuck here all day

While the underclassmen take their exams

Naturally, am passing the next two and a half hour on the internet

Waiting for Chemistry class

So I can see my friends one last time before I leave this place for good

(Untill Saturday that is)

Am kind of wondering what the weather is like in England

I can't tell you how much I love the rain

Especially in late Spring

If I ever get to be a rock star

My first video will have rain in it

Always, I was just thinking of you

It amuses me that we talk every now and again

Despite the fact that we met in a chat room

I muse from time to time

Over what yours eyes must look like

I think I told you

I can never look some people straight in the eye

For fear that my soul will burn theirs

Well, time to change my song again

I'll talk to you later...

I never was one to linger on a conversation.

        -poems of Collins Aiterebhe


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