Alexander Adewole

Biography: I am a poet of many worths An amorous quest for my heights Of many who care to listen to my thoughts I am a poet of many desires

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Alexander Adewole
Sunday 13 June 2021



He came and left this earth alone
Coming from a humble home
To whom many wished to be blest
His words were softer than cheese
His human nature were products of peace.
You could see them in plain mirror
As providence designs him perfect for her
The vows was the talk of the village
Then, it came...
The murky test pride the people
Hating him to mortal enviously
From his kinsmen who longed
Likened him to Julius Cesar
Who thrice a time offered him
A kingly robe
Upon his mandate he did reject
Again and again.
But, what offence cause he to
Be sent to eternity?
That mortal soul do Brutus sent
To please his people!
The temple veil is torn upon her Breast
Her grieve is enough to wake Him
From the saracened slumber caused by his haters
But life itself isn't balance.
His people curse him
They spit on his grave
And buried him without a coffin

Then, the aftermath.
The people gathered in the lawn
Seeking to banish the woman
And the only child.
They took council upon council
Finding ways to debase the wife
But their dark mission collapsed
Like a pack of cards.
Are the people's will.

By Adewole Alexander


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