Javino Abrahams

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Javino Abrahams
Wednesday 19 June 2019

Anger trapped in a jar

Blinded by struggles geared for war,
Such is my anger trapped in a jar,
No understanding I framed it from far,
The limits we take to becoming a star,
But how can we rise if we don't fight our anger trapped in a jar,

Pain is a mind game, please don't feel ashame, emotions spilled worst than an ankle being sprained survival hopes and dreams had reign,
But not making a move makes everyday the same,
God didn't choose you wrongly he ordained your name,
So one day you all may understand but work to earn your fame,

Latitude with gratitude, altitude to good attitude,
Respect each other's dreams don't ever be rude,
Learn the ruins and loins of life avoid silly moods,
Happiness good wealth and strength make that improve,
Outstanding reprimand sonnet of time,
I'm chanting words aligning positive thoughts evoked in a poem,
Some drunk themselves saying life is unkind, not noticing their blind with sight in time dribbled character not noticing I have came to recognize you can rhyme without a lime,
But positivity kindled slowly and rested in every line,

But after all the beauty of life I can teach to you,
Happiness is risen to not think of war,
But we may never reach happiness it will always stay afar,
If we don't learn to keep our anger trapped in a jar.
By:Javino Abrahams


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