Alexander Adewole

Biography: I am a poet of many worths An amorous quest for my heights Of many who care to listen to my thoughts I am a poet of many desires

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Alexander Adewole
Monday 13 May 2019


I can hear you call from a cypress
You imp spirit.
The hoodoo of this season
Caught your requisition desired
From this sublimity comings and goings.
The stupor caused for her sorrow
Still, desires your awaiting comings
Into this awaiting house.
Sienna will be moulded to discourage your goings
Sibyl will be consulted in this your coming
For the Styx are itching your spirit body.
Come, oh come to her
Pains of the notched
Pains of the subfusc cicatrice scars
Piercing through your body
Like a needle hemming stitch
Saddened her out,
But your coming mourned the cold tears
From their bulges eyes.

By Adewole Alexander


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