Queen Ukpe

Biography: Reader|Writer|Researcher in Linguistics|A lover of God|

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Queen Ukpe
Thursday 19 September 2019

My First Beautiful Beast

How did this happen? Tell me it's my mind playing tricks on me then I'll fix things quickly. I wished it was; it would have been a relief
For I would have taken a rain check to believe, but it's true! It's true that you left
No wonder I feel alone
Tears run down my cheek every now and then, for I'm still trying to fathom what I did wrong
I tried to reach out to you but you seem to be looking elsewhere
I became speechless, useless, and helpless
All my efforts turn out less at your side because you never wanted to stay
You chide me for no reason, not minding the season
What did I do wrong?
I thought it was due to your daily stress, since you never had rest
So I hushed my lips to avoid the rush
You still continued to yell at me without revealing the woman in your shell
Look me in the eyes and tell me you are under her spell, and stop all this noisy bell, for I know that you're trying to push me out in a rush
That is why you see me as disgust
Your ego succeeded in sending your Queen away; a mission accomplished; I became astonished
Why did you leave me? We spoke few minutes ago
You didn't say goodbye, let alone a last kiss
You just called off and hissed
Why are you this cruel?
You graced me with the disgrace of rejection, while I took you as my reflection
I saw you as my peace within the storms, the shadow in my dark
I called you my everything because describing what you meant to me took my every breath
Rather you prefer to torture my heart and finally gave me despair beyond repair
My chair became a zone for my deepest thoughts
My bed was a crying point the streets was my maddest joint.
Where i always murmur like the bee without ceasing
I drenched everyday in pain; an unforgettable stain of my yes -today
Why can't I leave this rain of pain?
A pain that I won't still gain no matter what I say
I wished it was a dream, I would have screamed till it dims
Behold, it's nothing rather than a life discovery which had given a taint in my memory
I wonder why you inflict me with such misery?
This misery stocks like a ghost in the night
I hope it diminishes just as your love for me did
Knowing you was my greatest nightmare
A total depression never to be mentioned
You became my everyday torment
In every moment I was so miserable then
I regretted why I fell for you as my first beautiful beast!


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