Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Wednesday 22 February 2023


It's been long I see your face

The warmth of your cozy nights

Of breakless river bed

Streamside exchange

Down the sput of Kolo creek

Love of my ethical being


The long stroll 

To King Koko's Square

Mitigated stony roads

Of Nembe Bassambiri

Ogbolomabiri my blood

Where I have pledged my heart

To always return at your river side


I miss the hospitality of your clan

The Alagoas and perewinkle 

I long to eat kekefia

With lads from Ama-kalakala

And move my proud chest

Way up Edepie 


Funerals on Fridays

Take chuckling kids

Wine gorging men

I usually would stay up

To watch the rolling waist 

Of young riverine girls


        -poems of Collins Aiterebhe


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