Joshua Chukwuobasi

Joshua Chukwuobasi's Profile

Joshua Chukwuobasi
Monday 7 November 2022


I could hear him. 
Banging on the iron bars once more...
The Frustration of being caged in for so long..
It takes all my will power to keep him in...
The real me, the one that nobody sees...
He screams...
Wondering how it could be.
His own body had become his prison.
A cage of iron bars designed specifically to keep him in..
But I know this is how it should be...
It's better to hide this version of me...
It hurts but he has to be locked in
Yes I need to keep up this hypocrisy
The world loves this lie
This imposter they see... Seems to be getting the comments, the followers and the likes...
This lie is famous and popular
The guys think I'm cool the ladies want to be under my umbrella
So I think it's worth it that I am my Jailer.
Taking my own self a prisoner...
It's the price I have to pay to be popular...
They can't see the real me
They won't like him...
I have to keep up the pretense...
I've got to always show I'm confident..
I can't let them see an atom of weakness...
I have to laugh even when I want to cry...
Say yes when deep in me I desire to scream at the top of my voice..
I've got to give them what they want...
It's not easy but at least it seems to gets me what I want ...
I'm famous..
I get the likes, the followers...
I'm part of the cool club..
Though within me I scream
I'm going crazy...
I can't really remember my true face, my true identity
For so long I have maintained this hypocrisy and my true self locked up even forgotten... 
This is madness to be locked in your own prison...
But that's what seems to be working in the world today...
Lock up your true identity...
Become the Jailer of yourself in your own prison. 
All so we could have a taste of popularity. Be called Celebrities..
It's time to get up..... Take off the shackles and unlock the prison doors..
It's time to put an end to this insanity. 


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