SaintDiamond Great

SaintDiamond Great's Profile

SaintDiamond Great
Friday 29 March 2024

The great doom

A smiling moon

A crying giant

And self-anointed kings

With anting behaviours:

Fuel bathing on the anthill –

The rockish hill

Where all self-serving ants…

Reign supreme

I have seen it all:

I have been to the sun

And the underworld,

Right there on the ocean floor.

I have seen the past

I’m having the gift

of the present

He knows my future

From the beginning

He deserves to know

For He paid the price.

I have seen a graduate 

of political manipulation

Being selected as the

minister of trade

Who has been trading

with our rights.

I have been to the rock

whose priest,

a-seven star general, says,

“If you like, go to work,

if you like, don’t,

You are not part

of the winning team”

I have been to the kingdom

where drug peddlers

and Haramic terrorists

Are being celebrated

as kings and queens

I have seen them all:

The headman who has

turned the kingdom

Into Cabalic fiefdom

With the “turn” gotten

at the black market

I know a shepherd

who lives a jet-set lifestyle

While his flock, Jays

and Janes are dying

without ‘stomach infrastructure’

I have been to the poorest jungle

where nothing works

Except economic

and social blackouts

I have seen it all;

I have seen them all:

suffering and smiling


A centipede as

big as Mount Everest,

A 63-year-old

shippopotamus as

tiny as tiny

could be,

A melting nation

and the sinking



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