Owoidoho Elijah

Biography: Am a young poet who has great dreams of becoming one of the greatest poets alive. At age 9 i have written over 50 poems and have written two books Though Poetry doesn't thrive in Nigeria, but i pray a time will come where my talents shall be awarded and celebrated i still remain #debar

Owoidoho Elijah's Profile

Owoidoho Elijah
Monday 14 November 2022

Reputation by de bar

See in this life I won’t bring shame,

Because it will destroy my name,

Instead  I must bring fame

Just as all hands are not the same,

This life can be likened to a game

Where a winner’s name is engraved in a frame,

The losers are as pitiful as the lame.

But for fame I aspire not shame.

No wonder this gift of mine came



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