Ebuka Nwachukwu

Ebuka Nwachukwu's Profile

Ebuka Nwachukwu
Monday 20 May 2019


Solomon Grundy!Born on Monday!
Born in an old rickety house on that cold winter day that was grey
As the midwives packed up, mother remembered that daddy, as usual,was away
"Child Be dismayed!For in your new home joy is faraway"

Solomon Grundy! Christened on Tuesday!
Baptized in that old church house with mum's tears continued from yesterday
As the priests finished, mother remembered that daddy, as usual, said he would be back someday
"Father save this sad woman and her child, I pray"

Solomon Grundy! Married on Wednesday!
Wedded a local girl at the town courthouse on a rainy day in May
As the wedding finished, mother remembered that daddy, as usual, was absent today
Martha Grundy wore a black gown, and on one hand was an ugly bouquet

Solomon Grundy! Took ill on Thursday!
The day before he had said he was okay
As he groaned, mother remembered that daddy, as usual, said he would soon be back to stay
Martha Grundy, calm as ever, had no sweet words to say

Solomon Grundy!Grew worse on Friday!
On his bed watching the dull sun rays he lay
As he sighed, mother remembered that daddy, as usual, said there was a delay
Martha Grundy, barren as a desert,did not his fear allay

Solomon Grundy! Died on Saturday
Drew his last breathe in his lonely black house where no children play
As he slept, mother remembered that daddy, as usual, was somewhere in USA
Martha Grundy, never one to cry, left as there was no reason to stay

Solomon Grundy!Buried on Sunday
Lent to nobody and had no debt to repay
Mother was no more so there was nobody to dismay
"That was the end of Solomon Grundy " was what the haggard locals could say


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