Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Tuesday 6 October 2020


I return you the protection of my most ungrudging love
I am a fair flower; a lake on a plain
Be careful how you drive me crazy
I am witless; a harmless fool
Mad in patches; full of lucid intervals

The sea roars; the horrid river flows
Yet my love is unflinching
It is the piercing point
That pours no rage
An archangel of negritude
I'm a ghetto exponent

Human's may lurk hate in love
But divine love that doesn't change
Is the very nature of my soul

So love me also like a boundless river
With the climax that deafens heroes
Let that love subdue me
Yes me, an obstinate creature
A polyphony of rarity
A tiny- little span

Let your love be my luckiest thing
On whose verge, my humanity shall die
Consumed in a broken monody
Of death's very content
With webbed tensions; no fear
My nights lean to you
Lackluster man's life 
Spent in a whirling pool of spite

So come away woman; hurry
We must catch up with tall angels
Angels with freezing ribs to attend us!


          -poems of Collins Aiterebhe


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