Chijindu Apam

Chijindu Apam's Profile

Chijindu Apam
Wednesday 12 August 2020

The Architect

I stand opposed to the mirror

And I see a victor of me

I see a tyrant that haunts me

And I can not seem to forgive myself for letting it

I am the help I cannot seek

I create monstrous reflection

My thoughts cuts a diamond deep

In my sorrows and fluids, drown

The mirror shows me a demon

The maker of the anguish I perish in

The reflection puts an in my heart

I orchestrate my life ordeals

My hate is enough for me

Enough to drain my core of it's energy

Enough to make me want to give up

Enough to make a dead ant stronger

I collapse under my weight

I cannot blame the mirror

I cannot battle the reflection

Cause I am the architect of my own misfortune.


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