Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu

Biography: A renown Poet and also a prolific writer who has contributed alot in world Poetry at large. Many of his works have been published in the sun magazine, The New Yorker, spillwords in New York, premium times Lagos, hello poetry, world Voices Magazine and Daily Trust etc. He has electronically published two (2) poetry books titled "Who Cares?" And "Before I Die". He is a former German delegate at Nigerian Army University Department of International Relations first simulation at the Tukur Buratai institute for War and Peace Buratai Borno State. Josiah is a graduate of International relations from the prestigious Nigerian Army University Biu, Borno state.

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Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Monday 5 October 2020


Rain How sweet the sound

Oh! How  I love the rain
Because it sound like a refrain
Of a classical I've once attained;
The music of the rain on the roof
Which poured heavily without loop
Runned continuously to fill the pool

And then I remember a princess
Whose worth I know is priceless;
Chats a prince who lives in a distant land
Though they be far but surely distance can't
Asunder what's divine,
And from above it is refined;

When everyone hides under the roof,
The farmer likewise hide himself too;
And with a glee he thinks his thought,
And smile being happy he coughs;
And said "surely it is springtime
We have to cross the season's line".

Labourers are Happy too
For there's job a lot to do
Then the blacksmith get to work
With a smile and gaze of hope
With laughter to his workers
He said " Yorks its springtime already
There's work for everyone to do
The small hoe, the big hoe,
The axe, the sickle, the cutlass,
The matchette all we must forge".


Children are also happy too
For soon trees will yield their fruits
How sweet the sound of the rain
Like a pipe the piper always plays
It sounds purr purr purr
And the thunder parararadam
The grasses happily grew out with a smile
To thank the creator for His love divine;
After springtime, here comes hammatan,
Likewise summer, and so on;
And the world runs merrily  round and round,
Oh then, then oh, oh then,  then oh,
We thank God for the rain you send with love.


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