Femi Ashamo

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Femi Ashamo
Saturday 19 May 2018

To love the wrong

To love the wrong
What worser fate than to love the wrong
To utter words of love and be hit with a prong
A two edged stab to your heart to tear you worlds apart
And cast it's shadow on the pitiful demise of your voilition
Held sway at freewill by another without your permission

I do not wish for any man to love the wrong
To be cast into an abyss of denial of Love's nonexistence
And deny yourself of a joyful existence

It as though committing results into a failed project
And waking up daily with hope renewed to be bashed because you are not shrewd
Constantly denying the Crux the vital part of the subject

To love the wrong is to fuel passion into a blackhole wasting the ingenuity of your intrepidity
A man can waste material all his life and still recover in his life
But he who denies the heart of necessary reciprocation
His fate is sure death before death
And eventually he shall die and death shakes his head
alarmed at this man

Let me tell you a secret for it is written
" don't you know that the forbearance of God is ment to lead you to repentance"
in other words
"God who is love and love who is God demands reciprocation"

Do not love the wrong you would be

the sky without the sun and the moon
Darkness your morning and noon

You are
The sea without bubbles of life 
The air void of oxygen and co2 

The earth a cadaver of life
Necropolis his life

I have decided not too
You should too


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