Samuel Afehe

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Samuel Afehe
Thursday 22 April 2021


* Swelling in the half of the dusk asthough wounded

* As I clamor in my top to no one's hearing. 

* Wizards with swingled faces already on  top edges of the bed, 

* I am now in a dusky world with the menace with head engorged like nose bleading. 

* Heaven, have you ever been to it, that's just how it feels.

* Most times, the feeling comes like an owls' hoot hoo sound, 

* what a black night

*with shadows of darkness running at the overside of the mind

* I wish only the sage felt thesame width and height

* at nights the heart turns red.

* God as good, are you really there for the entity

* for black is the trench my body rest

* while the dark minded fess with joy only thoughts of vanity. 

* I praise whatever god's may be for my Indomitable body to rest

* and it matters not how near the savior stands.

* out of the night that favors  me,

* the wicked scrambles in anxiety

* and pleads for a quiet lifetime place to be. 

* what vanity

*Their heads are bloody and bowed in  anguishes.

* invictus is me, 

* the seventh night is bad ever  for the evil eye. 

* solo for me is to be

*as the evil endeavors cast bye_bye.

*I am now the unmoved mover and beyonds. 


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