Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu

Biography: A renowned Poet and also a prolific writer who has contributed alot in world Poetry at large. Many of his works have been published in the sun magazine, The New Yorker, spillwords in New York, premium times Lagos, and hello poetry etc. He is currently a student of International relations in the Nigerian Army University Biu, Borno state.

Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu's Profile

Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022


Our king is a fine good man

He is married to a lovely woman 

In royalty, he is the greatest of his kind

In his time, there is none of his kind

Our king rules vast domains

Peace, love, justice, he'll maintains

Our king was the greatest in his time

He administered justice in his prime

Our king is rich in gold, and silver

He created a garden near the river

He planted fruits of all kind

To eat and to ease his mind

Our king built a beautiful castle

His servants rare thousands of his cattle

The beauty of his palace people gape

He drinks from his garden's grapes 

Our king had no male child

With sadness his heart mild 

Our queen could not bare him any

Among his subjects it perplexed many 

Our king had a beautiful daughter

He cherished her like no other

Our king needs a successor

To save people from the oppressor

Our king became sick and very old

He needed a successor, so bold 

Whom the burden he must carry

The princess must marry


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