Afeh Aaserhna

Afeh Aaserhna's Profile

Afeh Aaserhna
Saturday 31 March 2018

A Rainy Night in a Nigerian City

Strange 'tis,
Walking in the rain
On the path to your home,
Headlights behind you.
Bent poles, dangling cables─
A myriad of carelessness.
The darkness, the wetness:
You are almost in the ditch.
Wailing hawkers, haggling buyers─
Indifferent to sounds' enveloping pitch.
On the day's deathbed, the blackness
Thickens, and then comes quietness.
What's left for today is a mess─
Dirt: dumped cans, polythene bags, junk;
All aspiring to be the foundation
Of our tomorrow's environment.

(July 3rd, 2005)
Photo by Andy Grizzell on Unsplash


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