Benedict Ugor

Biography: A writer, poet, and philosopher. "I love my world: Pen and Paper."

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Benedict Ugor
Wednesday 1 March 2023


My tears is drained

My voice refrained

My mind is dazed

My senses crazed

To say the truth,

I'm ashamed of my country

Where a million bad Homo sapiens

Exist among the very few good.

Many have died fighting.

And when I ask myself of what use is it dying for my country,

I'm reminded of the quote:

It is better to die for something than live for nothing.

But then I would ask myself again:

I'm I really alive?

My pen is speaking painfully on white pages:

Please tell whoever it is that is our leader:

To have mercy on helpless souls

To let peace reign even with injustice

To have good intentions for a ruined nation

To work very hard to build the nation

To promote unity in diversity

To listen and...


My pen is shaky and bleeding


Pretty Nigeria

Beautiful Nigeria

Immaculate Nigeria

May God keep you safe...


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