chibuike ikechukwu Emmanuel

chibuike ikechukwu Emmanuel's Profile

chibuike ikechukwu Emmanuel
Friday 19 June 2020


Stock by the rain drops
Stock by thunder roar
Hiding like a visitor in the neighbor's compound

When will this rain stop?
When will the lazy rain give ways?
When will I get to work?

Hey lazy rain I know it your time
To bless the earth and plant
I know it your time to shower blessings on us like prayer

But you have to give way for a moment so I can get to the office
I have no other means of income
Even corona virus have set the earth on fire

The government have us lock up like rats
In a cage without food or water
My people her hungry and sad
I am tired of sitting idle I am tired of waiting for you to stop
I am waiting for you lazy rain
Because duty calls and I have to answer.


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