Bayo Akinnola

Biography: A prolific writer and database administrator.

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Bayo Akinnola
Saturday 1 December 2018


It rained yesterday,
My shadow drenched,
Stars blurred
Galaxies went shy
My mood cold, the night became slippery 
And I fell in love.

I said to the passing birds;
Come perch on this melting heart of mine
Take this letter to my lover, 
Sing her blues
From the rising of the sun.

It rained yesterday  
on my way to the field 
To see some blossomed flowers
To perceived the scents of the fields 
And bring some memory home
Of those days of yore.

What song would a poet sing
For love and the cold rain?
And I said to my emotion:
give me sunshine, give me some warmth
Give me direction around the slippery terrain.


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