Benedict Omenogor

Benedict Omenogor's Profile

Benedict Omenogor
Monday 20 September 2021


Before my eyes,

I see the collapse of love

And the loss of affection

I hear the tales of domestic violence

And see the scars of abuse 

In a society were men and women

Change spouses like clothes,

And lawyers are greeted with divorce

In a society were lovers swear: 

"For better or worst, till death do us part"

Yet put asunder

A covenant only death can break

In a society were marriage is by

Trial and error, and a game of luck,

I have a dream...

I have a dream of building 

A marriage that stands the test of time,

A marriage where we can look into each other's eyes and all we see is love

I have a dream of building 

A marriage where we can tell ourselves the truth,

And find a trust, too wonderful for words...

I have a dream of building

A marriage graced with laughter and smiles

A marriage with warmth of affection,

Respect, value and satisfaction

I have a dream of building

A marriage where I'm love for who I am,

A marriage where we stick together 

Like bread and butter...

A marriage that brings out the best of ourselves 

I have a dream of building 

A marriage better than that of my parents

And the many I see, around the globe.

I have a dream of building 

A marriage where I can live; 

A marriage I can call home...

A marriage that knows no divorce


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