ThankGod Williams

Biography: I am ThankGod Williams from Akwa Ibom State,Nigeria. I had my Diploma in English, later I graduated from Akwa Ibom State University. (B.Sc medical genetics and biotechnology ) I am a registered member of "The Writers Bureau" UK . I have interest in Poetry, Public speaking and motivational writing. One of my unpublished novel titled "HOPE OF TEARS" is my Favorite real life fiction. Other poetry by me include : 1.Mother of three 2.Homeless and not Hopeless 3.Dark days 4.Sweet bitter Dilemma 5.Raining Tears 6. Beautiful Pains *My Philosophy* I pray and hope for a world where people can speak to their own shadows, a world where birds will be able to cross the street without having their motives questioned, A world where poetry becomes power--------Twilliams

ThankGod Williams 's Profile

ThankGod Williams
Wednesday 7 November 2018



**Heavens gate look tall,

Taller than me and my very behind,

My behind is lost, lost in the woods,

No hope to return ,no hope of reborn

I live everyday wishing , like birds

I live everyday hoping like beggars


I grew up only to realize that I'm broke

I grew up not in poverty but as poverty

Many days I huke on the streets

Many times I slept under bridges

Like bird in the dense, like lions in the nest

I was busy looking for my fortune


Oh life, are thou not fair to me

Oh God are  thou so cruel to me

Only my inherited homestead is left

That's the only thing papa kept

I always thought life was made of Roses

Oh But now I know life is made of crisis .


My cosmos have been invaded

With Homo sapien of anarchy

With ambassadors of poverty

Subjection and inhumane tyrants

Faces like angels, minds like deity

They Work in Africa, sleep in America.


I was told western education is important

Wondering the woods, clumping the street

At the expense of hope, I got an education

At the evidence of joy, I felt a liberation

Two decades after all I see is frausraton.

Oh mummy when will I wear long sleeves

Long-sleeve with white collar and a skin

Oh mummy when will I wear long trousers


When will I sit on a four wheelded tire cage

When will I also fly in a sky house like birds

Oh mama When will I send you Penny and coins

When will I buy you linen,cotton and whiskey

Your grave yard will I adorn with gold

Your burnt huts and tent will I refurbished with clay.


**All these and many more will I do,

If only and only if I live , if only I don't die

Birds will cross the road without having their motives questioned .

starfishes will walk and pigs will swim** .



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