Matthias Pantaleon

Biography: Playwright | Poet | Lyricist | Hymnist | Stage Director| Art Connoisseur | Entrepreneur

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Matthias Pantaleon
Saturday 18 April 2020


We'll meet again, sometime in the future
I hope to see you grow more flesh on the cheek
We'll reminisce, discussing popular culture
I hope you find in abundant, the good you seek

No termite will eat from your basket of harvest 
Your field will know no drought in dry season
No tyrant will lord over you, not even the fiercest
Your field will be green beyond comparison

They'll watch you bloom those who seek your ruin
Heaven saves; you'll be immune from untimely end
They'll show hate, whereas their fate will rot like coin
Heaven sake, do not hate your enemies, don't intend

Riches born of Heaven are yours for keep
Malice born of jealousy are theirs to steep


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