Owoidoho Elijah

Biography: Am a young poet who has great dreams of becoming one of the greatest poets alive. At age 9 i have written over 50 poems and have written two books Though Poetry doesn't thrive in Nigeria, but i pray a time will come where my talents shall be awarded and celebrated i still remain #debar

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Owoidoho Elijah
Monday 14 November 2022

Love Only Can Heal Love by de bar

A bruised heart longing only for love,

Some wounded by love itself.

Some seeking a cure to their bruised heart,

Many have found hate to be the cure.

But only love can heal the wound created by love.

You are not loved! so you say; for that,

You refuse to let love heal itself.

Iron can’t heal bruises created by iron,

Wood can’t heal bruises created by wood,

Fire can’t heal bruises created by fire,

Water itself can’t heal bruises created by water,

But only love can heal bruises created by love,

So if you are wounded, embrace the supreme

Love which is the love of God.



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