Grace Adoga

Biography: A very creative youth, zealous student and poet.

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Grace Adoga
Sunday 6 August 2023


Above all limitations we move! Amidst the storms we move! Storms get tougher, the waves and the wind. We have no choice but to cry ''God please save me''! We fail a lot Discouraged we get but we have to make a move, Persecutions we face . Have you ever felt discouraged? Like you want to quit I tell you there is 'no time to quit' Business, academics, life is not working Come on! Every one wants to be successful. We try a lot but it gets so tough. I write to give you hope Job 17:9 says- The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger. Philippians 3:14 says- I run straight toward the goal to win the prize that God's heavenly call offers in Christ Jesus. So 'move'! No matter the limitations or the adversaries Make Christ your firm foundation. WE MOVE.


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