King Akpa

Biography: Mr. King Akpa is from the South South region of Nigeria, a husband of one wife and father of two beautiful daughters. He is a writer and a poet, who has written many poems. He is a great teacher and an executive in one of the corporate organizations in the country.

King Akpa's Profile

King Akpa
Sunday 5 May 2024



Turning to the left and turning to the right

The thought that it is still very early in the night

Makes the body wonder if it will survive the night


Stretching and recoiling in a bid to conquer the night

The thought that sleep will not come early tonight

Makes the body becomes weak without delight


A wondering thought flashes back to the mind

The thought could still not be left behind

How today’s hustle have led me with nothing to find


Closing my eyes to force sleep to come

In anticipation of morrow that will come

Peradventure it will become awesome


But the mind keeps reminding me of dinner

For this night wouldn’t be warmer

And reality of hunger can’t just go farer

                                                         Hunger has stolen my sleep tonight

This must never happen another night

My resolve to give the coming days a great fight



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