Collins Aiterebhe

Biography: ...I recall the pernicious vent of inanity, an attorney of songs; a kiss of imaginative empathy that dwells occasionally in artistic isolation!

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Collins Aiterebhe
Monday 19 October 2020

BEFORE THE HARD CLAPPING (For those that died of coronavirus)

Cleavages of the earth

Open to take my salty tears,

Far from within; 

And deep, in the shackles of hopelessness

My heart is bridled with pain

In the ravelling clutch of plague

I carry ocean my sweat 

Eyes of the unseen survey

Curse history incomplete without me

The virology of virulent waves

Laying man and mankind a waste

Before this great dread of mischief

I cry time to suffer cure

And bury this fit of fear

With unwholesome slur

Before the hard clapping

I plead the thunders of hallelujah

To rain mercy

And re-elude our joy!


           - Poems of Collins Aitetebhe


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