Benedict Omenogor

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Benedict Omenogor
Monday 20 September 2021


It's hard to say I'm sorry
You're always right, 
You're always in a hurry;
No chance to express myself 

When you see me with another;
You rage with jealousy...
You start thinking things,
I didn't do

When I ask a little favour 
You're set ablazed,
When I plead for time together 
You always say, you're busy, 
When I need your help
You let me down

So proud, I dare not correct you
In your faults
So devoted, to hold a book of records
In my flaws, 

If my face finds a smile
Then my heart sinks in sadness;
Cos you aren't satisfied,
or ever grateful

I'm hurt by your words
Times without number;
It erupts like a volcanoe 
And shatters my day

It appears we're close
But we're a million miles apart
You're present, but I'm lonely
It always you, you, you! 
You only care about yourself...

But you said, you love me 


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