Alexander Adewole

Biography: I am a poet of many worths An amorous quest for my heights Of many who care to listen to my thoughts I am a poet of many desires

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Alexander Adewole
Friday 23 November 2018


Africa, my Africa
The beautiful home of the black race
The gazelle bliss of the tropics
The magnificent masterpiece of Victoria Falls
The pride of the Obudu Efiks

I greet you my mother Africa
Where the black panther resides
Where our maestro homes housed our kindreds
Africa, my Africa
I greet you from the deepest honesty of my creed
From the belated ruins of the colonizers
You still stand GIDIMGBA!!!
I watched you nursing your ill wounds
The serrating scars implanted from them.
Yet, yours strength like Olumo rock
Moved not the ill treatment meted to you
In secret mission to wipe you out.
Africa, my Africa
The dawn of hope is here.
Your children are back
From the seas accross other side.
And we shall stay and nurture you through
This trying times.

By Adewole Alexander


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