SaintDiamond Great

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SaintDiamond Great
Saturday 6 April 2024

Merchant of Destiny

The queen of the coast

superficially declared:

How canst thou said

I love the, when thine

heart is not with me?

But in her mind,

she silently echoed:

I will join force with

forces to annihilate

the pinnacle of glory:

The merchant of destiny

Empress Delilah,

is on a mission –

Satanic gang up

against a seven-star


A divine terrorist-cum-

slay king

Seen as a rastafarian,

the seven locks on

his head spoke loudly-

He grinded a lion with bare


And turned leopards

into military errand boys.

Destiny adopted him

from the womb

And providence

awarded him divinity’s

Highest medal for gallantry,

the jaw bone.

But Delilah who traded

on the main men, the Samsons,

and the golden fishes

Conjured the forces,

and the aliens of

the heavenly bodies

Aligned with hades

of the Hadopelagic zone

To bait Samson

with fake love.

Love na scam!

General Samson

ate the bait;

the bane of his life!

Alas, How mighty men

are falling for love,

that overrated asset!

So the whorish slay


Slain the slay king

with love pandemic!

And the wind dropped

a tear in the Red Sea

As Samson fell gallantly

for love

And bowed tragically

to love

That wicked love that

Conducts burial

for glory carriers!


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