Joshua Anayochukwu

Biography: Joshua Anayochukwu is a pensive young poet, who likes to write poems.

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Joshua Anayochukwu
Thursday 29 October 2020

Unhappy Me

You're always wrong at first

You're wrong and it's easy

To be right is learned

To stay right is slippery

My choices are wrong, mistakes are bound

So I follow the rules, the laws and make sure to be precise

I'm only comfortable when I'm the only one around

Cause I tried with people and I always ended up criticised

I learned to hide the real me,

And play the me they want to see

Sometimes I feel like I'm pretending

A hypocrite, my actions I regret

A different me for everybody

A different me instead

I try to stay happy, but these criticisms get to me

Deep in thoughts I'm drowning, so I try to breathe

But it isn't breathing really

More like inhaling, I'm drowning still

For I can't be me, 

Till I am the me I want to be


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