Kehinde Samaye

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Kehinde Samaye
Sunday 6 February 2022

Love Me when you can...

The taste of love is Sweet 

The wine of love stirs the eyes 

The vision is never more clear 

My Ears have seen 

My eyes have heard

A lone soul could fly again

I am no more longing for love  

I am no more chasing the winds

Love has found me 

Love me when you can...


Kehinde Samaye
Thursday 13 January 2022

Not For You

If I shed tears
It is not for you, Adunni
If I made thorns my nest
And clay my bread
It is not for you
I ignored the pleasant sights of Venus
I resisted the pleasures of Jezebel
I refused to hide in the trojan horse
To conjugate in the naked night
Only If I never risked my father's rod
To love you afterall

How could you have danced with me in the rain
When your love was not to reign

If I sat at the doorway
Lost in thoughts all day
with no words to say
Sighing 'n' Grieving
How i end in deperdition
It is not for you, Adunni

My heart is stained n bittered
By the shores of Nile you flattered, You wooed n tamed me
The sands of Arabia felt our warmth
The bright skies of the Austria
Gazed on us
We were magic to the Hindu's
Trapped in your viscious smiles

Ah, I begged Time
To call back kikelomo
I Plead the spirit of love to
Send wind and rain
Send light and ravens
Let them deliver my heavens
Wishes untold
To Legends reborn


I was lost
But now I'm found.


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