Jimi Olusola

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Jimi Olusola
Thursday 2 April 2020

18 plus one...

It slithered and slouched like a reptile in heat,


Jimi Olusola
Tuesday 30 July 2019



At last, Pa go slow sent forth his own list,
His cabal, all tepid and punching their fists,
On board where some charlatans, suspects and saints.
Most laden with burdens and public complaints.


The Chamber, all  ready received the rag tag,
promising to screen them, uncovering some scab.
They sauntered in, one by each, bellicose, dull,
some bowed to the floor, even ready to fall.

‘Hey you, what you know bout the law of the land’?
“me think, sometimes Government must bare its big fangs”.
Another was asked ‘bout the rail ‘labaloo,
He mumbled, winked, smiled took a bow and was through.


The Counsel who headed the monstrous hydra,
Was grilled like a steak, his words stuck like lycra.
“y’all sitting here, believe, bullshit just walks,
Dig deep, look for funds, you’ll know money will talk”?

Our Amazons, pristine elegant Damsels,
Sauntered through, brimming like household mantles.
Their depth so sanguine, iridescent in style,
That the Lords of the chamber gave them a big smile.

But deep in the minds of the law makers yore,
They knew that Pa go slow had bypassed the core.
“We don’t know who’s where, but let’s manage the lot,
Cos the summer is here and we have to cool off”.


And so, our story goes on all the way,
One Nation, still trying to pick through the fray.
Yep, governance is filled with such rancid decay,
Let’s go to second base and enjoy our day.

Olujimi Olusola III

July 2019.





Jimi Olusola
Monday 15 July 2019


They trundle the path of humanity's core,
And in their wake, spewing societal flaws.
Our brethren, nomadic, ancient bedfellows,
All looking sanguine and so gently mellow.

From yore, these men-beasts have been part of our scene,
Azure and astute, and the atmosphere clean,
Then overnight, swaths of corn bowed to the mass,
Of the creatures we eat, and endangering the class...

"Bossman, talk to us, we don't like what we see,
Communities bare, and villagers don flee".
"Your people have started a meaty jihad, and now, it has become such a National fad..."

"Relax, no shaking, we've got it all covered, We'll set up some camps in your very backyard.".
And thats how the story of Ruga was born, Amidst huge suspicion, and a load of deep scorn...

"La-yen-bi- ko, never", the Buga was such, That the warlords and eggheads all met in a bunch.
"These people, we know them, no iota of truth, cos they'll come in and harvest our deep seeded roots..."

"Aaha, not by force" chimed the scribe of the fort,
"Feel free to be out, we won't take you to court.
For you that you're in, please just give us some place, and we promise no one will tinker with your space..."

And so, the story'll go on, on and on,
One nation, our destiny shattered and shorn.
Yes, governance is filled with such affray.
If you believe, look up, close your eyes and pray.

Olujimi Olusola III
July 2019.


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