Javino Abrahams

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Javino Abrahams
Wednesday 19 June 2019

What if

What if we woke up 8:am and still see the night,
A continual flow through the day that might give you fright,
A shift of racism where whites are no longer white,
Would it change a thing and make everything right?

What if we heard in facts the secrets everyone we bond with hide from us,
Would we overlook the word in the dictionary thats called trust,
What if we learned no one changes and all married people do lust?
Would it matter for a change now or we are like this till dust?

Matters of thoughts hit the mind,
Words in solemn one of a kind,
Many can see clearly while many are blind,
But what if one day a bright future no longer shines,

What if we are just projects working on our life project?
And the truth that the body we live in is just an object,
The soul which thrives is a mere subject,
And the mind is not the mind if we easily forget,

What if all humans were to love each other the same?
And each and every individual had the same last name,
Would we still be at war causing each relative the same damn pain,
And because we are a family we have no one there to blame,

What if i never had this title what if?
And my words are not heard and dispensed like a mist,
People still have their visions and still have their wish,
trampling on thoughts that are just a part of a list,
So each day while i write i still think of what if!
By:Javino Abrahams


Javino Abrahams
Wednesday 19 June 2019

Anger trapped in a jar

Blinded by struggles geared for war,
Such is my anger trapped in a jar,
No understanding I framed it from far,
The limits we take to becoming a star,
But how can we rise if we don't fight our anger trapped in a jar,

Pain is a mind game, please don't feel ashame, emotions spilled worst than an ankle being sprained survival hopes and dreams had reign,
But not making a move makes everyday the same,
God didn't choose you wrongly he ordained your name,
So one day you all may understand but work to earn your fame,

Latitude with gratitude, altitude to good attitude,
Respect each other's dreams don't ever be rude,
Learn the ruins and loins of life avoid silly moods,
Happiness good wealth and strength make that improve,
Outstanding reprimand sonnet of time,
I'm chanting words aligning positive thoughts evoked in a poem,
Some drunk themselves saying life is unkind, not noticing their blind with sight in time dribbled character not noticing I have came to recognize you can rhyme without a lime,
But positivity kindled slowly and rested in every line,

But after all the beauty of life I can teach to you,
Happiness is risen to not think of war,
But we may never reach happiness it will always stay afar,
If we don't learn to keep our anger trapped in a jar.
By:Javino Abrahams


Javino Abrahams
Wednesday 19 June 2019


I try but I'm still in the shadows,
Lost an torn in all my horror's,
Safely seeking a way to a brighter tomorrow,
But withheld within still trying to grow.

I won't ever think of it as a superstition,
I hold my ego and keep my vision,
Knowing im a man on a mission,
Working in silence to gain recognition.

Hiding from the majority won't give you light,
Its like dropping a shilling in the pitch black night,
Searching and pondering with a blurred out sight,
But with all your might you try to make things right in spite of fright still you shine bright,

I won't ever think of it as a superstition,
I hold my ego and keep my vision,
Knowing im a man on a mission,
Working in silence to gain recognition.

We try so hard to give to receive,
You sent forth a message silently asking please,
You gain wisdom to words from the breeze whistling through the tree's,
Or an inspiration from above being down on your knees,
But your thoughts have been spinning beyond 360 degrees,

I won't ever think of it as a superstition,
I hold my ego and keep my vision,
Knowing im a man on a mission,
Working in silence to gain recognition.

Whatever you put your mind to focus on it,
It might sound crazy you might think its a myth,
The journey to success is not all about being rich,
Its like a torn garment that needs the right stitch,
As I put pen to paper without thinking for later knowing each work I get greater I keep my stature to nature to not be a failure but to enhance my emotions to a silent pitch,

I won't ever think of it as a superstition,
I hold my ego and keep my vision,
Knowing im a man on a mission,
Working in silence to gain recognition.
By:Javino Abrahams


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