Ethelbert Mezie

Ethelbert Mezie's Profile

Ethelbert Mezie
Monday 22 November 2021

My Country

My country! No ride in bribe

Can’t you see it approach unmild!

Turbulent like raging tide!

And sweeping away the shores of our pride!

We like wild child

On a wide tide ride!

And we need chide off the tide!

Bribe like wild bride!

On whose hug huby can neither hide!

Nor in heart confide!

Destroying unity of tribes!

Let’s eschew bribe! Oblige!

In it, there is no ride!

Or ride like retrogressive progression

Less than a standstill! Caution!

Or ride to the utopiac nation!

A ride truly a rhetorical question!


Ethelbert Mezie
Monday 22 November 2021

The lazy bird

She cannot make a nest

Flying about like an inquisitive pest

She is a coward inquirer

And never brave an acquirer

Anytime I enter bush

She leaps like to push

Perching on one branch and next

Of my count more than sext

Victim of rainstorm

And her brother windstorm

Storm! Storm!! Storm!!!

Lazy bird always in storm

And she stumbled into water pit

Dead and decaying I beheld it


Ethelbert Mezie
Monday 22 November 2021

Where I want to live

I want to live among the rocks where I will converse with the insects in their cracks and they sing for me

I want to live on the mountains where I will meet and converse with the wild animals

I want to live on the trees where I will converse with the birds of the air and they sing for me

I want to live in the valleys where I will be visited by the shadow of the moon and the stars and where I will bath in the spring of the Lord

I want to live in the desert where I will speak to wild plants and tell them that God is about to send them rain and where I will live on dust

I want to live in the Lord’s house where I will wake up every morning and praise my God, where I will thank Him for His goodness and love, where I will feed on His body and blood daily


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