Biography: Am Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua by name from ondo State..Am an instrumentalist I played several musical instruments.. Am into a Relationship counseling, Marriage counseling, Career counseling, Family counseling..Am a music director, a listening Teacher and a poem writer also a gospel minister.


Wednesday 14 July 2021

*Why God Chose Me?*

My talents, is that what He saw long ago? I see that the answer is, "No." And my look is Just a mirror that dispels that thought, If that is why He called me, He called me for naught.

My wisdom, Not even a trace do I see. Then why, Tell me why did my Saviour call me?

And just like the wind as it glides through the sky, A voice, softly answers, "Yes, I will tell you why.

"Because, when God looked, Am nothing to see, And when God shine through nothing, then men will see Me. God call men of weakness, so I can be strong; God call even the downcast and give them a song.

"Am call out of nothing; so when something appears,Men give ME the Glory, and down through the years,It has been so, though the world is appalled: Not many noble nor wise have been called."

The poor man, the weak man, though often despised, Come alive at God's touch, and the world is surprised. The fruitless, the failures, the dregs of the earth, Become princes and kings when God's Son gives them birth.




Wednesday 14 July 2021

*Meant to Be*

When I met you,
I met my destiny.
My one true love,
You'll always be.

If you feel the same,
And I truly hope you do,
There's something very important,
That I want to ask of you.

All that I am,
All that I do,
All that I have Is wrapped up in you.

All of our future,
All we can be,
Rests on this precious moment.

Instead of "you" and "I,"
Let's become "we."
I'm asking you to share my life,
Will you marry me?



Wednesday 14 July 2021


Who are you when you're alone? Who are you when you're surrounded by people? Who are you becoming?

Are you listening to all the voices in your head? Are you the same person in the daytime versus the night?

When you look up at the sky, do you see blue or do you see gray? When you look in the mirror, do you see beauty or do you see shame? Do you ever notice the differences between the person you were yesterday & the person you are today? 

Can you remember the last time you went out & didn't get wasted? Can you say you spend more time on your phone than in your own embrace? Can you even recall the last time you woke up happy? 

Tell me, who are you when no one else is around? If you're honest with yourself, you'll realize we all have parts of us that are frail & broken. That's one thing we'll always have in common. If you come in contact with someone who tells you anything different, run.

I'm not afraid to share my story, neither should you be. Life is freely given to us by grace not by privilege. Don't ever get that twisted.



Wednesday 14 July 2021


Matthew 6:33

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you.”

If you were to seek the Lord, with a heart that’s open wide and you will find out that He is next to you and will never leave your side for once.

If you were to seek His face
in all the things you do, you will find His strength living deep inside of you.

If you were to seek God first no matter where you are,
you will find His love and mercy and He will bless you from afar.

If you were to seek the Lord,
right here, right now, today
you will find His eternal peace touching upon your day.

If you were to humbly seek Him with all your heart and your soul you will find out that He will heal you till you are complete and whole.

If you seek the Lord your God with all thy heart that is true
you will find His joy and glory
and all things will become new for you.



Wednesday 14 July 2021


Your heart beats as a reminder of His heart beat for you.
For out of the abundance of His heart, man was formed because he knew you.
He knew you before he formed you and make youHis own image.
Like God; a mirror; a reflection; perfection.
A sacred connection of divinity with humanity, But slowly and surely beckon to us. 
We stepped away from our mirror and submitted to evil himself.
Oh behold a heart of stone! 
A heart full of envy, strife, and jealousy.
A heart that plots murder against his own.
Desperately in constant pursuit of wickedness .
Unlike God; a contrast;
dissimilitude; disconnection.
The first step in the journey to mortality.
What shall redeem us from this curse? 
For out of an evil heart would always come forth evil.
What shall the remedy be? 
For darkness cannot co-exist with light 
Nor death with life.
Nor hate with love 
Nor sin with God who lives forever.
The high and exalted one, 
Whose name is holy.
He put His heart in us so we might have a heart after him.
For out of His heart flows love.
Love is not a mystery
Love is intimacy
Love is continuity regardless
Love is reckless
Good intimacy with God, comes from learning the Art to love people around you.
John 3:16 talks about Reckless, selfless love.
Don't reciprocate love, Love because you are love.
God is love.


Wednesday 14 July 2021

*The Power of Youth*

When united is our youth Every hurdle, every obstacle and Every path becomes smooth.

When in a chorus it speaks

All ill fated voices and will

Hide away with fearful squeaks.

When it steps out in unison, Every stone paves the way

For the forthcoming perfection.

When it joins hand together Infinite sky bends over to give

Flying ceaselessly new feather.

May the youth now memorize

Its real power on innovation and To evolve, create and surprise the next generation.

Youth have a powerful collective voice to raise social and political issues.



Tuesday 25 May 2021

No Man Is An Island

Every man is a piece of the continent, No man is an island

Entire of itself.

No man is an island comparing people to countries, and arguing for the interconnectedness of all people with God.

The conceit of No Man is an Island is to contrast the interactions between people and their importance and effect on society, to the isolation and self sufficiency of an Island.

No one is self-sufficient; everyone relies on others somehow. 

A person needs the support of others and society altogether to survive.



Wednesday 19 May 2021


People think it's just an error when we raise our hands in worship, That our adversaries won't lie in terror Except we sail in a warship.

I told myself I'm going to pull myself together and swim until I reach the surface.

As a matter of fact
the walls of Jericho actually fell with no single attack.

So, the truth is
Life is more than the physical and you find your peace
when you go deeply spiritual.

A lot may disagree
but this is just my concept.

More so, the world is actually free you can focus on your mindset.

Love is a warship 
Carrying explosives, an explosive warheads and love sometimes Is  a Shield shielding everywhere and belongings.

Choose to battle with a warship
And lose your soul 
Or stand and praise with me in worship
And keep your soul.

Your worship is your Warship.



Wednesday 12 May 2021

My Personal Dairy

I have a secret that I like to keep

between me and God alone,

I put my words into a diary

and my respect for Him is shown.

I write down my favorite scriptures

and God's words are just a start,

It's where I keep religious poetry

as it comes straight from my heart.

I jot down personal feelings

and I pen a sincere prayer,

my faith grows stronger every day

when I read what I wrote there.

I feel closer to God in heaven

through the words that I write,

I know that He is there for me

when my troubles are in sight.

I even note bad times in life

and how God helped me through,

my diary is the key to peace

as my written words are true. 



Wednesday 12 May 2021

*Bleeding Nation*

Yes, we came from the north, the south, the west and the east, To stand as one nation with the one voice.

From different tribes and tongues under the umbrella of peace, To meet and get knowledge as a better nation.

Nigeria, richly blessed with natural resources 

Land fertile for agriculture, Immersed with crude oil, gold and many more.

Coated in the 36 state of 3 major ethnic group 

In togetherness, peace, unity and love, Captured in Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba.

Engaged her other African nation and emerge the African giant. 

Oh, my beautiful country, My father's land Known for great strength and love to her neighbors.

Why has she broken the eggs of peace? 

And spilled the yolk of violence? 

Why has she interrupted peace and unity she stood for? 

Why has she ignored her excellence? 

And chose weapons of war instead of peace against her brothers? 

Forgetting the joy she shared to stand in *October 1st 1960*.


She took an oath of love, She was mapped for unity.

She invented for peace 

Bound under one rule, one law and one government.

We are together, We should be together 

oh, my country *NIGERIA* 

Together we stand as one.



Sunday 9 May 2021


Time has no bus-stop in waiting for anyone,
You have to be sure of yourself and your career and ur purpose in life.
Before u can be able to achieve ur purpose in life.

Time-Time-Time, am a lucky being to know how it’s time operate and I make effect use of the time given
to me..

Time is Life, Money, Good health, time don’t wait for a sec for u to be able to correct the past mistakes, as it keep moving u have to keep moving with it so for u to be able to learn and make a reasonable adjustment of the past error.

Time keep you on a track,time make a responsible human being of thinking wisely in achieving their goals in life.

Time has make some destiny to be great while time has distroy some people’s life that don’t take it serious..

Time need a serious being to be able to give the good side of life, Time serves as a warning to the unserious one. Everything in life deal with time.


Saturday 8 May 2021

Become The Man You Plan To Be

I've been basing my life upon what others think of me,

I wish I could go back and redo everything. 

I've fought to become who I am and what I want to be,

I have to remind myself that one day  I will be free and everything will be okay.

Now times have changed and I realize nothing is fair,

And sometimes it seems like nobody even cares.

It's like no one pays attention to what I feel is best for me

and what I think about the way some things should be.

I understand now that I'm pretty much on my own,

and I know a lot of what I can do will never be known.

All the time I think about everything I can't say, what I have to keep in,

and by doing this, my thoughts only get more complicated and deepen.

Soon I hope to find out who I am and what I am meant to become,

I want to know where I'm going and I don't need to be reminded of where I came from.


Friday 7 May 2021

Your Voice

I long to hear your voice it bring peace to my soul and comfort me when I am alone.

Time passed by I had to wait,

Hours passed by i couldn't wait,

I had to call you just to hear your voice, Your voice is my addiction and you are the only person i want to listen to.

Your sound is my current obsession,

your voice is my lullaby and the melody i hear every night.

The sweetest voice that tucks me in is

you're the only one to help me get to sleep.

It is not just the voice but something behind the voice.


Thursday 6 May 2021

When I'm no More


Life is too short to hold everything good to yourself, 

Help people around you if it requires for you to help.

I've gone a thousand miles and find out that life has nothing to offer you,

Unless you make positive effort about what life gives you.

You lay in a field of flowers counting each bird that passes overhead.

You've erased concern and decided to live for the moment because you always would say,

 "we might be dead by tomorrow."

Soon enough the world would pass us by but I wouldn't blink because I could live off your touch for the rest of my time.

You showed me there is more in life than just one color, 

but instead, the world is a whole painting with colors that can't be described.

Flowers grew from your heart and bloomed across your lungs,

creating a garden that sang the most beautiful hymns,

while my garden was withering.

You taught me how to grow beauty from my eyes but lately, 

I've been dreaming and falling for stars.

And many years later as time starts to fly by and you slowly start to watch your clock tick down, 

you'll know where to find me, my love.

I'll be up with stars.

Somewhere lost in the cosmos when I'm no more.


Wednesday 5 May 2021



I was born with a gift and with innate talent,

It was coursed through my ancestors then flows through my veins,

Embedded in my heart and mind Even in my very soul.


My talent brings a lots of joy and happiness to me thanks to my creator

that make me one of the most talented person on earth.


My talent has bring smile to the family, people around me

and entire nation.


But this gift Shall be honed to its perfection,

And shall be used In accordance with Its noble purpose.


I shall not be proud  Instead I shall be humble,

This is my gift to the one who gave me this talent

The One from Above (My Creator).


Tuesday 9 February 2021


Bible preaches,  Mercy teaches,
sharing with all the Good News, Power Keep the Soul reaper doing our best to fill His shoes.

Love produce peace maker, Helping those who are in need, Trust impart , faith inform looking for His lost sheep to feed.

Hope distribute, calm givers, paving the way with His light.

God seekers, Jesus searchers living the good and faithful fight.

Sin stoppers, temptation busters,
leading others from the gate of hell.

Truth tellers, one day heaven dweller
with the greatest love story to tell.

Light bearers, problem sharers,
coming together in healing prayer
Bible holders, His soldiers
confessing Jesus because we dare!

 *Philippians 2:15* 

“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation,
among whom ye shine as lights
in the world.”

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021

As He Is !

When you are in need, He is the most sufficient.

When you are completely helpless, He is most able.

When you feel totally dependent, He is absolutely dependable.

When you are weak, He is the most able.

When you are alone, He is intimately present.

When you feel you are the least, He is the greatest!

When you feel the most useless, He is preparing you.

When it is dark, He is the only Light you need.

When you feel the least secure, He is your Rock and Fortress.

When you are the most humble, He is most gracious.

When you say that you cannot, Remember that He can!

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021


Just saying the words, Trust me
does not feel people with glee.

Your actions will determine your life better than a sermon.

The actions of your daily life when pressures build up, do you take it in strife?

When someone else tells you a secret
do you always keep it?

When you say you will do it, Do you do it now or wait a bit?

Do people depend on you to do the things you say you will do?

You see trust is made up of a lot of little things, But It is everyday actions and what you bring
that will depend on the level that people trust you.

So rather than talk, stay true to your word and just do!

" *Words are from the lips, actions are from the heart* ." 

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021

The Mystery of God's Love (ADITU)

Lord, I cannot illustrate the mystery of your love, for it rises higher than the moon hanging onto the skies above.

I cannot measure it,
not the distance or the length. I cannot grasp it not its power or its strength.

I cannot calculate it,
not the width or the depth. I cannot fathom it without holding in my breath.

I cannot explain it,
not how near or how far. I cannot clarify it
for it is the Morning Star.

I cannot imagine it,
beyond what my eyes can see
and yet I am amazed that your love to me is infinity.

Lord, I cannot illustrate your mystery from above
and yet I cannot live without your everlasting love!

 *Jeremiah 31:3* 

 "The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an 
everlasting love: therefore with 
lovingkindness have I drawn thee."

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021

Never change the way you are

Never change yourself not even for me not for anyone.

I love the way you talk but you simply walk.

You’re too cute but act too mute.

You are too true which is not too fake.

Everyday is a new day don’t let it just go away.

But remember, no one is better than you if you think they are then that’s not u.

 Your destiny to win or loose is in your hands to let it go.

I love the way you are, never change for others the way you are.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021


Family is a soft and gentle word for something strong.

A foundation to stand upon when things go wrong.

A place built through years
Of squabbles and tears of laughter and joy, and of love.

Family those who know you deep inside, who can see beyond bravado and pride,
Who'll pick you up each time you fall,
With love made from memories of when you were small.

The people who knows your worst and your best
They're the loved ones with whom you're blessed.

Family members
are the people who
make life worth living.

In good times and bad,Love them first and last because
your family means everything.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021

Knowing God's Will

Whatever is Your will, Lord, I am asking You
in this situation to bring it into view.

Whatever is Your plan, you have awaiting me
in this circumstance.I pray I will see it soon.

Whatever is Your desire, Lord, I am truly seeking
in this predicament for your Spirit’s leading.

Whatever is Your purpose, let me know Your intentions in this dilemma and shed light on your directions.

Lord, whatever is your will, I pray for you to reveal in this situation . .

1 John 5:14-15

“And this is the confidence
that we have in him,
that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that
we have the petitions that
we desired of him.”

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021

A Minute

Everyone, young or old, Needs someone to be listen to as their stories are told.

The difference is to make a minute from your busy day that
Is all it would take.

Take a minute and lend an ear.Listen intently to what you hear.

Take a minute and you will see Just how powerful Listening can be.

Take a minute to offer a smile and a touch. While your sincerity means so much.

Take a minute and be kind because a friend for life may be what you find.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021

It's Really Up To You

One word can start a friendship, While one kiss can start a love affair.

One smile can bring you laughter, While one hug can show you care.

One wave of your hand can say hello, While one tear can make you cry.

One gentle touch can warm a heart, While one dream can make you fly.


One song can bring back memories, While one thought sees brighter days.

One wish can bring colourful rainbows, While one good deed can bring you praise.

One moon can light your darkness, While one star can guide your soul.

One step will start each journey, While

one hope to make your goal.

One hand to hold in friendship, while

one heart that's kind and true.

One Love...One friend, is all you need, It's really up to you.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021


When I first met you,I felt like I had known you forever, telling you my secrets and what I didn't want either. 

You listened to me.
Who would have thought we would become more than just friends? 

Over a period of time I got to know the real you. 

A boy, so caring and gentle, with a heart so true. 

You've survived your life with hurt and loneliness by your side. 

I told you I'd never leave because of the feelings I have inside. 

I know you like no one I have ever known, and sometimes I wonder 
what I'd do if you were gone? 

So I have decided 
time to answer all. 

If it is meant to be,
time will remove the wall. 

I love the way we are together.

You can always make me smile. 

Will it ever really be forever? 

I guess I will have to wait a while. 

Time will reveal what lies ahead, but always remember 
what I have said. 

Meeting you has changed my life, 
and I really love you so.

The feelings I feel for you, I am never letting go. 

Remember me always and I will, too. 

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 9 February 2021


I absorb every note

melding into sound

the music dances with every cell of my body, mind, spirit.

The gentle hum of guitar strains as my fingers dance a reel

upon the strings

in 4/4 time, mind sails away on 

staccato sails; my spirit rises upon the ethers a soul-flight,

I succumb to adagio interlude.

Mortality is lost in the moment, and when I land sweet tranquility.

*Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Thursday 28 January 2021


I am not just like my mother or father.

I am just like me, I am an individual.

I am all I want to be Society defines us by what job we tend to do.

one hundred and sixty hours a week, I walk in my own shoes.

I may have a waitress job, I may live in a council flat.

I may not be as rich as you But what is wrong with that?

I am me, I am many things

I live life the way I choose and I am like no other.

I am a poet, a traveller. 

I am open minded and free.

I am blessed with a lovely Family.

I am as happy as I can be.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Wednesday 27 January 2021


The trees are instruments for the birds to be the string.

The Sun inside the belly of the hollow beast.

My highs, as much

as my lows.So and so.Maestro.

We wallow in the echo vibrato and


Let us paint the clouded G# to crack

lighting of B flat.

Line by line carefully trace each melody 

as much as a sonnet.



 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 26 January 2021

The Voice Of God

When we hear the voice of God Speaking to our hearts, Do we obey and follow Him
Or are we slow to start?

For when the Lord speaks to us, We need to heed the call and do the things He wants us to give Him our all.

I know at times it can be hard to know the Father's will, We need to listen to His voice, For He speaks when all is still.

Many times we fret so much and rush so much about, We then find all our busyness may cloud our Saviour out.

So this is why we take some time
to be still before the Lord, So He can speak into our lives
And show us so much more.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Monday 25 January 2021

Forbidden Love

I love you with a love that's forbidden, yet I can't stop.

You make me feel like no man has ever made me feel before, with just a look I swoon.

I dream of your arms around me, your lips on mine. 

When you look at me my soul shudders with joy, My heart skips a beat.

In my dreams I am sexy to you, and there's no end to the pleasure I can give you. 

I am loving you with a soft, gentle love 
that would shake you to the core.

In my dreams I feel you near me and stay around me.

I want to love you openly without fear or reservation, 
but this is a forbidden love, so I hide it, keep it in secret and love you only in my dreams. 

For only in my dreams am I acceptable to you.
Only in my dreams can my fantasies be realized.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Monday 25 January 2021

The Mystery of God's Love ADITU)

Lord, I cannot illustrate the mystery of your love, for it rises higher than the moon hanging onto the skies above.

I cannot measure it,

not the distance or the length. I cannot grasp it not its power or its strength.

I cannot calculate it,

not the width or the depth. I cannot fathom it without holding in my breath.

I cannot explain it,

not how near or how far. I cannot clarify it

for it is the Morning Star.

I cannot imagine it,

beyond what my eyes can see

and yet I am amazed that your love to me is infinity.

Lord, I cannot illustrate your mystery from above

and yet I cannot live without your everlasting love!

 *Jeremiah 31:3* 

 "The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an 

everlasting love: therefore with 

lovingkindness have I drawn thee."

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Wednesday 20 January 2021

Backup Plan


My backup plan is to stay and keep pursuing my passion.

Even if it means a lifetime pouring coffee or serving drinks, or waiting tables just to keep my head above water.

My backup plan is to look at the lights and know I am home as I receive yet another rejection. 

My backup plan Is to drown out everyone around me

Telling me that I'm insane, Because I already know I am.

I know I could easily be at the top of any logical path I choose, But what a waste of life that would be.

So yes I'm insane I am signing up for a life with no stability, no safety net and thousands ready to fall next to me.

But my backup plan Is to not waste this creative energy,

Doing some boring day job that would ultimately make me crazier than I already am.

So my plan is to live without a single regret, Because I tried and did what I love.

So no matter what happens my plan was a success.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 19 January 2021

My Heart Still Hurt

My heart still hurts,

and causes me pain, I wish I could just see him again.

I thought we would be together from now till forever but something took that away.

Now I have to start my own days but why am I still stuck carrying the pain.

I thought the pain was over till I spoke of your name, now it's all back to haunt me again.

I still hold the memories of you.

Why oh why did we have to fight ?

we were both young

but I thought it was true love, but then you had to turn to those damn drugs

they tore us apart

and caused us both pain.

Do you ever wish you could hold me again?

Now it's too late, Now it's all gone

because Now we both chose to move on.

Do you ever wonder,

Do you still care,

Do you ever shed tears,?

I didn't I was being strong that's how I learned to move on

but now it's back to haunt me and I realize I still care.

I wish I could turn back all the years

and make you stop

and make you listen

and make you see

that you were meant to only be with me.

We use to laugh, 

we use to love,

we use to be close but I wish you could see me once again.

I love to laugh, I love to love gosh all I wanted was your sweet hugs but now my heart is squished like a bug once again the pain has risen now I have to get it back to hidden.

please take care in what ever you do

but please always know that I do love you.

*Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 19 January 2021

Never Leave

What would you say if I took you away?

If I brought you along for one short day?

A lifetime with you would be ever so grand.

I wish just once you would understand.

The way I want you is not of lust.

I want you to love me with your trust.

Love renders no hope for if you leave.

I hope you don't leave. Please never leave.

What would you say if I never wanted you gone?

If I gave you my hand and hoped you held on?

For the past you have seen through my eyes.

I wish you saw this with no surprise.

The things I hid in hope you would not see,

you helped me through them and stayed with me.

Love renders no hope for if you leave.

I hope you don't leave. Please never leave.

What would you do if I let you go?

If I was left to fall toward the ground below?

Without hesitation you would catch my hold.

Helping me back past the dense, lonely cold.

I became yours never too lightly.

I held you close and you held me more tightly.

love renders no hope for if you leave.

I know you wont leave. You will stay with me.

*Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 19 January 2021

A Lost Smile

Somebody help me for I am lost.

My heart is in doubt, and my words are a loss.

Show me the path, the path I must take,

To erase any doubt, and stop my heart ache.

Where is my happiness, where are you?

Where is the light that turns the sky blue?

I need that person to place love in my life, For it is absent, and I simply can't fight.

I can't fight the pain, or the tears any more.

I can't feel the love that I've felt once before.

Maybe it's me, maybe it's you.

Whoever it is, show me what to do.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa*


Thursday 24 December 2020


Die for your country, Die for your friends, Die for your family, Die for your beliefs, Die for your sins, Die! because it is selfless.

I meant, Die! because you are selfish, Die! and forget, that the will to live and struggle for everything and everyone needs more fortitude than the will

to die.

Live to build, Live to love, Live to protect, Live to achieve, Live to atone, Live! because it is selfless.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Wednesday 23 December 2020




Religion is the act of attempting to map out a path to achieving consistent spiritual goals. 

Unfortunately, religion has sometimes fall into the hands of some wacky people. 

If someone comes to you and professes to be able to solve your problems by some religious or spiritual path, beware! Life will always be difficult.

There is no one that can wrap you in cocoon of religion and save you from all negativity.

Religion has been used for good and evil throughout history.

Make sure you're on the right side.


 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Monday 21 December 2020

Bad Government

What are you doing to us?Where are the promises you gave us?
Where did you put them all?

Why are we getting used to bad life's
Why are we getting used to bad roads
Why are we getting used to being thirsty
Why are we getting used seeing our loved one die because of hunger,accident's and lack of medicines.

Where are you?
Where did you go?
You promised to be there for us, you promised to make our life's better. 

But they are getting worse, It was better when we were waiting
Because now we have nothing to wait for.

Rise up for our people
Fulfill your promises
Come and quench their thirst. They are still hoping that you might come and save them.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Monday 21 December 2020

Take Your Bread With Love

My dear children! Eat your bread, Drink the milk and listen dad instead. Meet the hunger and quench the thirst, Offer your food always to God first. 

Don’t think evil when you eat, Always speak truth and have feat. 

Obey your mum and agree to eat, What does she give is nectar to treat you. 

She is the embodiment of love and peace, 

Respect her and honour her without cease. Help her when she need your help, Dedicate yourself deeply like kelp. 

Eat the bread when she say, Eat and drink in proper way. Before eating you wash your hand, Thanks to God.

Love your sister and your brother, Be obedient to your respected father. 

Share your bread among them, Being active, bring family phlegm.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Thursday 26 November 2020

Take Your Bread With Love

My dear children! Eat your bread, Drink the milk and listen dad instead. Meet the hunger and quench the thirst, Offer your food always to God first. 

Don’t think evil when you eat, Always speak truth and have feat. 
Obey your mum and agree to eat, What does she give is nectar to treat you. 

She is the embodiment of love and peace, 
Respect her and honour her without cease. Help her when she need your help, Dedicate yourself deeply like kelp. 

Eat the bread when she say, Eat and drink in proper way. Before eating you wash your hand, Thanks to God.

Love your sister and your brother, Be obedient to your respected father. 
Share your bread among them, Being active, bring family phlegm.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 24 November 2020


Four things support the world: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valour of the brave.

It is necessary to help others, not only in our prayers, but in our daily lives. If we find we cannot help others, the least we can do is to desist from harming them.

Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence. Love others as well as you love yourself.

Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.

If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Tuesday 24 November 2020


A good teacher protects his pupils from his own influence.

In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.

If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.

Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.

You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, 
none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Sunday 22 November 2020


To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk by appearing sentimental. 

To reach out to another is to risk involvement. 

To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. 

To place your dreams, ideas before a crowd is to risk their loss. 

To love is risk not being loved in return. 

To live is to risk dying.To hope is to risk despair. To try is to risk failure. 

But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing. 

They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, live. Chained by their certitudes, they are a slave: they have forfeited their freedom. 

Only a person who risks is truly free.

Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua


Saturday 21 November 2020

Living Water

Are you happy, are you satisfied does your life now leave you gratified?

Or are you wanting,

something else

something you can’t find within yourself?

Are you comfortable,

are you content have all that you need

in any event?

Or are you finding, there has to be more

though you have it all

you still feel poor?

Then my friends . I know what you need

there are living waters

that will never recede.

All you have now,

will turn into rust . .but, Jesus is someone

you can always trust.

He’ll quench your thirst,

with hope He’ll fill you

with a new life He’ll breath right into you too.

So come my friends,

be filled with His fullness from the water of grace, drink in Jesus’ goodness!

John 7:37

“In the last day, that great day of the feast,

Jesus stood and cried, saying,If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink”.

Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua


Thursday 19 November 2020

Child Heart

A child's heart lies deep within us all. 

It calls to us when we're very old, And especially when we're small. 

It's a precious gift sent down from above, A treasure of life filled with innocence and love. 

It's something very special, That can't be bought or sold. 

It's boundaries are immeasurable, Filled with beauties to behold. 

As the years begin to pass its voice becomes a whisper. 

So soft and gentle is that voice, Calling to us "come hither". 

Sometimes we forget to listen. To hear it's gentle cries. The fears of life control us. And turn laughter into sighs. 

So if life begins to scare you, Look deep within your soul, For the heart of a child within you, The gift that never grows old.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Thursday 19 November 2020


I must live with myself so I’m the one that must know who am I.

I want to go with my head not look down but look forward.

I want to be respected by others because of myself.

I don’t want to look on the mirror and realize that I’m nothing.

I never can hide from myself, I see what everyone not see.

I know what everyone don’t know, I never can fool myself.

So no matter what happen, I want to stay awake and have pride.

 Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua


Thursday 19 November 2020

Who are you?

Who are you when you're alone? Who are you when you're surrounded by people? Who are you becoming?

Are you listening to all the voices in your head? Are you the same person in the daytime versus the night?

When you look up at the sky, do you see blue or do you see gray? When you look in the mirror, do you see beauty or do you see shame? Do you ever notice the differences between the person you were yesterday & the person you are today? 

Can you remember the last time you went out & didn't get wasted? Can you say you spend more time on your phone than in your own embrace? Can you even recall the last time you woke up happy? 

Tell me, who are you when no one else is around? If you're honest with yourself, you'll realize we all have parts of us that are frail & broken. That's one thing we'll always have in common. If you come in contact with someone who tells you anything different, run.

I'm not afraid to share my story, neither should you be. Life is freely given to us by grace not by privilege. Don't ever get that twisted.

 Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua


Thursday 19 November 2020

Only You

I only want to worship you because you're the creator of this world,

the one who gave me life,and the one who colored my world.

Lord, I only want to lift your name up high 

because you're the one who makes the sun 

light up my day, the one who makes the stars and the moon light up my night.

I only want to worship you because it's only you, the answer to all my problems, the smile on my face, and the greatest.

I only want to worship you.

 Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua


Wednesday 18 November 2020

When We Hurt Someone We Love

Sometimes we need to say we're sorry, For the hurtful things, we've done. We need to ask for forgiveness

Being thankful for their love.


Sometimes we should be humble enough, When we cause those we love some pain.

Indeed we should hang our heads, and confess we're  ashamed.


we should always search our own heart

and confess our wayward faults.

showing our true honesty, When the lesson has been taught.


Sometimes it takes amazing courage,

To admit to a friend we're wrong. It's worse when we fail to say we're sorry, Causing them to feel they don't belong.


We should set aside some time to show a friend how much we care. Displaying that we love them,

With a heartfelt bond and flow of joyful tears.


Take not this poem for granted, When you're sorry to admit the pain you caused. Reaching out in love and forgiveness, As they look beyond your human flaws.


 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Wednesday 18 November 2020


What is time ?

A thing we created Time is Timeless

Or Can time really run us short ?

They say Time heals all

Well time will tell

Time is a virtue

Time is a Spell

Casted out to us all

For what use we will never know.

Time is one heck of a clever show.

 Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua


Wednesday 18 November 2020

Walking alone..but not

Life's like a journey that never stops. You're failing and learning and always moving on.

You're then joined by people whom you learn to love. But ultimately...

Life's that walk, that you must go on your own. 

Embrace this truth: you are expected to have faults.But no more than all the virtues that you've got.

Never define yourself by the number of flaws,

but on your willingness to be better, and wanting to grow.

It is true there are yet some, who of this they don't know. And could somehow even, make you question your own worth. thanks

Don't be sad, don't resent, we each learn at our own pace. And remember, true love always sees flaws, as only a phase.

Whenever he shows and in whatever his form, by that true love, you'll then one day be joined.

But even then, remain aware.. Life's that walk, that you must still go on your own.

 Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua


Wednesday 18 November 2020


Shattered little girl Trapped in her own world.Trapped behind her masks,Trapped in the past (in the past in the past).

Shattered little girl Right down to the core Couldn't fight it anymore, Couldn't see through the storm.

Shattered little girl.Trapped in her own head,Demons out instead,Demons in her head.

Shattered little girl,Trapped behind her masks.Can't find any cracks,Shattered by the past.

Shattered little girl,Even her personality It’s a mask,Can’t find any cracks.

Shattered little girl Trapped in her own world, Her own personal hell.Best not to dwell It’s her personal hell.

Shattered little girl

Trapped in the past.

How long can i last 

Trapped in the past(in the past in the past).

Shattered little girl

Trapped in her own world,Trapped inside her head,Demons out for you instead.

Shattered little girl,Her heart breaks, Every time her demons escape,She's so afraid.

Shattered little girl

Waiting for the cure,

Couldn't fight it anymore, Couldn't see through the storm.

Shattered little girl

Trapped in her own world,Trapped behind her masks,Trapped in the past (in the past in the past).

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


Wednesday 18 November 2020 understanding

Dust has its
own significant
all living and non living
came out of dust.

When you leave a thing
few months untouched
dust try to for only
to take back to original form.

Dust is insignificant to man because it stays under his feet. But unaware its in his mind,
its in his heart, his body made out of dust.

Hence, when he die he won't become liquid
but become dust.

He came out of it
he will go into it.

 Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua


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