Ezra Bature

Biography: Media Personal/Humaniatarian/A writer, poet/Editor. Food vendor, social media influencer, digital marketer

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Ezra Bature
Friday 16 September 2022

Damned Generation

Damnation to our Generation..

Ageing ghosting in anguish..

Youth yield to boorishness... 

Devilish deed with drugs on a daily..

Daily routine on intoxication...

Inebriate on a highway..

Damned Generation!!..

Veneration to worldly pleasures....

Pleasure seekers surround our surroundings...

Our souls succumb to sexual immorality...

Girls resort to strippers...

Abortion is a normal routine.....

Boys to ritualist and fraudsters.. 

Graduates gradually wild smoking weed..

Damned Generation!!....

Wealthy men wield the Church...

Members full of ungodliness......

Preachers exhibit favouritism...

Hypocrisy abounded the Church...

Wickedness and witchcraft is the new doctrine...

Demons derailed to doom our doctrine..

Damned Generation!!.

Barrooms is the base for the married men.. 

They merry to stupor and go home messy.. 

They married to divorce..

They dance to infidelity...

No devotion to wedlock...

Damned Generation 

Daddy's donate their daughters to demons..

To access wealth and worthiness...

To induce indubitably the young ladies..

To trade their wealth with pleasures...

Damned Generation..

David sang songs of redemption.. 

Our Generation conform to damnation..

Damnation to this Generation..... 


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