Blessing Ogunyigbo

Biography: Aspiring writer and book lover

Blessing Ogunyigbo's Profile

Blessing Ogunyigbo
Wednesday 3 February 2021

A Proud Heritage

A proud race we are,

Shrouded in captivating mysteries,

Unexplained tales of old,

And puzzling heritages,

Our roots go deeper,

Handed down by our forebears,

Threaded into everlasting folds,

Woven into intricate pieces of history,

Pulsing with the delicate vigour of life,

We stand firm and tall,

Ethereal shades of skin defying nature's pixels,

Coursing peacefully like the river's tide,

Fiery magma of blood,

Soothing with impossible tranquility,

Yet volcanic in its anger,

We are who we are,

A proud race made by Eedua,

Unquenchable pedigree of the creator we are,

Conquerors and overcomers.


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