Bayo Akinnola

Biography: A prolific writer and database administrator.

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Bayo Akinnola
Saturday 22 February 2020

The Road 

The road I've travelled isn't all that smooth and straight
There are times I stepped  on torns, twigs and bumps 
There are season of slippery terrains 
There are times the sojourn was adorned with beautiful countryside scenes.

The road I've trekked,
Is laced with pitch dark and rays of lights
There are times I met some strangers on the way;
We extend brotherly hands;
We hugged, we smile, we jolly
And moved on our various destinations; 

The road I've travelled;
Is a story in a book
Each page with its narration 
Each chapter full of wits and intrigues
It's an act on a stage;With protagonists on one side
And antagonists on the other 
All playing their roles with zeal.

So i say; 
Send my love to them,
Those I met on the roads I've travelled 
And whose company has formed me a beautiful memory,
Paths have crossed;
We became co-travellers.

Send my love to the road itself
Whose terrain isn't smooth and straight
To gravels and pebbles on my way.
Send it to rain that drenched,
Wind that blew
Moon for light and starlight at night
Send it to strength and percevarance.

Send my love to:
The crickets of the roadside bush
To ants and bees that sting,
To my beautiful scars of old wounds.
Send my love to victory.


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