Alexander Adewole

Biography: I am a poet of many worths An amorous quest for my heights Of many who care to listen to my thoughts I am a poet of many desires

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Alexander Adewole
Monday 22 May 2023

The Black Woman

The glossy silky of your black beautiful skin
Radiants gallantly into our sulken eyes
Like a gazelle pearl of Udama tree
Many wished to touch.
Your firm breasts like Obucha seeds
Are like amorous doped of a man
Caressing the uncovered scene of your skin
Your waist moves and dangles like the display
Bottle-Like corks of Saworiode.
The twisting and rolling of your inviting eyes
Like a night owl hidden near the Okpilla tree
Could sniff the amorous approach of men towards you.
And we have all doped bellywise of this skin
This tasteful chimmey fossil like blackness
That, though between us a division gulped out
For who to bell the cat now.
But I could not tell in all honesty
Why I am afraid
Why we are afraid
Afraid of this desire to kiss and touch your breasts
To touch and suck these two tender glossy silky black breasts of yours.

By Adewole Alexander


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