Biography: Am Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua by name from ondo State..Am an instrumentalist I played several musical instruments.. Am into a Relationship counseling, Marriage counseling, Career counseling, Family counseling..Am a music director, a listening Teacher and a poem writer also a gospel minister.


Wednesday 20 January 2021

Backup Plan


My backup plan is to stay and keep pursuing my passion.

Even if it means a lifetime pouring coffee or serving drinks, or waiting tables just to keep my head above water.

My backup plan is to look at the lights and know I am home as I receive yet another rejection. 

My backup plan Is to drown out everyone around me

Telling me that I'm insane, Because I already know I am.

I know I could easily be at the top of any logical path I choose, But what a waste of life that would be.

So yes I'm insane I am signing up for a life with no stability, no safety net and thousands ready to fall next to me.

But my backup plan Is to not waste this creative energy,

Doing some boring day job that would ultimately make me crazier than I already am.

So my plan is to live without a single regret, Because I tried and did what I love.

So no matter what happens my plan was a success.

 *Oloniyo Mayowa Joshua*


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