Uche Ahunanya

Biography: Uche Ahunanya is a Theatre and Film scholar at the University of Port Harcourt. He hails from Ugwunagbo LGA of Abia State, Nigeria. He is a great lover of arts in general.

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Uche Ahunanya
Friday 9 July 2021

Miss Fortune's Misfortune

The had heard Ben was tested and trusted, 

But her expensively wigged and hatted head

Was too incapable to decipher what she heard,

So she believed and her all to him entrusted.

At first sight, she'd envisioned him a perfect complement; 

One that would not only fill her hole but make her feel whole, 

Perhaps because of his grace and warm compliment,

Or his classy ride with a lot of cash in the pigeonhole 

They had fun day and night for a fortnight –

Warnings and sermons went in through the left ear, 

But, faster than they went in, went out through the right.

His name and tales were all she longed to hear 

"This married man is sick; your future will be marred" 

But the warner was warned and branded mad, 

Perhaps world-people were envious of her fortune

And should go and bury themselves in their misfortune

You see, those who fail to tame their desires,

Those whose waist subtly usurps their head

And those whose appetite wears a crown 

Tread the same unholy path and never part

'Cause they're fated to a common destination 

Today, Miss Fortune was thrown in one piece, 

A tiny bony morsel into earth's gaping mouth 

I know not if that virus lets its victims rest in peace

Woe betides the ear that defies the counseling mouth.

©Uche Ahunanya


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