Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu

Biography: A renowned Poet and also a prolific writer who has contributed alot in world Poetry at large. Many of his works have been published in the sun magazine, The New Yorker, spillwords in New York, premium times Lagos, and hello poetry etc. He is currently a student of International relations in the Nigerian Army University Biu, Borno state.

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Josiah Yakspirt Yakubu
Saturday 11 June 2022



(A Birthday Poem)

Over the Plateau hills

I hear the sound that thrills

A nostalgia of a special time

That a gem arrived in her prime 

The breeze piped a symphony 

The leaves clapped their hands

For joy, and not for mutiny 

Over the seas and the lands 

There was Ecstasy, on her arrival

Into the world of men struggling for survival 

She dwell among men, and became a princess

She became great for her prowess 

She is my friend, whom I adore

Her smile makes me smile-more

She is Gommam Anna Sunday 

He smile is supersonic everyday 

I wonder how she is celebrating this day today

This special day called birthday

But, could you believe? It's not a fray

She didn't tell me that today is her day

(Happy birthday my dear Anna Sunday Gommam

God bless and keep you.

Enjoy your day).

©Yaksport Josiah (Dine with poetry)



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