Owen Hamalala

Biography: My name is owen hamalala am from zambia Am a poet who writes from within Writing poems is something i keep doing And i also draw

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Owen Hamalala
Saturday 26 March 2022

Broken reality

The Reality is
A broken mirror reflects ultimate terror.
The reality is
We all have the ability to get the pain when expectations run away from our brain.
The reality always hits you.
Forget it, even if I told you, you probably wouldn’t wanna hear it.
An accursed life without a hope of sincerity,
Listen as I spit these words with meaning and clarity.
The truth reveals monstrosities many don’t wanna hear it,
Debate all you want but do you really think you can handle it?
no, coz this is my reality and you cannot have it.
even if you were given the opportunity to enter it, the truth is,
this is my reality and you probably won’t understand it…
loneliness gives way to hope
Respectfully declined, lost in vengeful victory
Where love triumphs and hope is a futile answer
Where feelings, dreams and destiny have been stolen
Given freely, tempted by life, we control fate
If you’re in the game, you’ve already won
give up the mediocrity coz my life without a doubt is built on my idiosyncrasies
that not even the madmen could possibly hope to imitate,
Listen as I regurgitate the truth, my well being consists of needles and drugs
which makes my body quiver with hope,
do me a favour and just hand me a rope,
to terminate my existence in an instance,
coz I cannot take this pain any longer,
I mean just yesterday I felt but stronger.
but reality like a thousand slaps across the face
serves as a constant reminder which I hate to embrace,
that death draws nearer, life’s not fair as I gasp for air
in the emergency room, reaching to God to give me breath.
But the heavy beating of my heart pounds loudly against my chest, as the doctors and nurses rush in to stabilize my condition, fighting to stay alive becomes a losing battle,
as my body rattles from the electronic gadget trying to bring me back to life, strife is the language between my heart and mind, as the alarm beeps faster,
shock takes over, as flat line occurs
then the doctor says… he’s gone,
contact hes family and friends


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